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10 x 1.8 ml
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10 x 1.8ml Cartridges
Description: Septodont presents Lignospan Special, an innovative local anesthetic meticulously formulated to meet the unique needs of dental professionals. Crafted with precision and backed by pharmaceutical expertise, Lignospan Special redefines pain management in dental procedures, providing optimal patient comfort and clinical efficacy.
Key Features:
Mepivacaine Hydrochloride: Lignospan Special features mepivacaine hydrochloride, a trusted and effective local anesthetic known for its rapid onset and reliable pain relief, ensuring a comfortable patient experience.
Low Vasodilation Properties: With low vasodilation properties, Lignospan Special minimizes blood flow to the injection site, reducing bleeding during dental procedures and enhancing the clinician's visibility.
Intermediate Duration of Action: Offering an intermediate duration of action, Lignospan Special provides sustained anesthesia without unnecessary prolongation, optimizing clinical efficiency and patient postoperative comfort.
Preservative-Free Formulation: The preservative-free formulation of Lignospan Special minimizes the risk of allergic reactions, making it a suitable choice for patients with sensitivities or allergies to preservatives.
Rapid Onset for Patient Comfort: Mepivacaine hydrochloride ensures a rapid onset of anesthesia, minimizing patient discomfort and anxiety associated with dental injections.
Improved Clinical Visibility: Low vasodilation properties contribute to reduced bleeding at the injection site, enhancing the clinician's visibility and precision during dental procedures.
Balanced Duration of Anesthesia: The intermediate duration of action strikes a balance between providing sufficient anesthesia and avoiding unnecessary prolongation, contributing to postoperative patient comfort.
Safety with Preservative-Free Formulation: The preservative-free formulation enhances safety, making Lignospan Special a suitable choice for patients with sensitivities or allergies to preservatives.
Sold by P.G.Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd. & fulfilled byMedikabazaar