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12 x Sutures
Relyon Silk Suture is a high-quality, non-absorbable surgical suture designed to meet the demanding requirements of various medical procedures. Crafted from natural silk fibers, this braided suture exhibits excellent tensile strength and flexibility. The uniform diameter and smooth texture of the silk thread facilitate ease of handling, allowing for precise knot tying and secure tissue approximation during surgeries. Relyon Silk Suture is an ideal choice for cases where extended tensile strength and long-lasting wound support
are crucial for successful outcomes.
The benefits of Relyon Silk Suture are inherent in its non-absorbable nature, providing sustained tensile strength over an extended period. This characteristic makes it suitable for applications where long-term wound support is essential. The braided construction enhances knot security, minimizing the risk of untimely breakage and ensuring reliable
wound closure. Surgeons appreciate the versatility of Relyon Silk Suture across a spectrum of procedures, from general surgery to delicate
interventions, making it a trusted option for achieving optimal wound healing and patient satisfaction.
Sold by MCo Hospital Aids Pvt Ltd & fulfilled byMedikabazaar