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3 x  Microtrack Grena Visual Axis Marker MS-38080

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3 x Microtrack Grena Visual Axis Marker MS-38080


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1 x Instrument

Description: The Microtrack Grena Visual Axis Marker stands as a pinnacle in ophthalmic surgery, meticulously engineered for the discerning needs of medical professionals. Informed by insights from leading ophthalmic surgeons and inspired by microsurgical innovations, this visual axis marker exemplifies excellence in anterior segment procedures. The marker is designed with precision to facilitate accurate alignment of the visual axis, crucial for optimal outcomes in cataract surgery and intraocular lens implantation. The distinctive design, inspired by leading-edge research, ensures reproducibility and efficiency, setting new standards for reliability and accuracy in visual axis alignment.

Key Features:

  • Precision Design: The visual axis marker is intricately designed for precision, incorporating advanced features that enhance accuracy during visual axis alignment. Surgeons benefit from a reliable tool that aids in achieving optimal centration in cataract surgery.

  • User-friendly Marking: Featuring a user-friendly design, the marker allows for efficient and consistent visual axis marking. This design ensures that surgeons can seamlessly incorporate the marker into their surgical workflow, contributing to improved efficiency in the operating room.

  • Quantitative Alignment Indicators: The marker incorporates quantitative indicators, providing surgeons with measurable metrics for visual axis alignment. This feature enhances the precision of the surgical procedure, promoting reproducibility and reducing the margin of error.


  • Optimized Visual Axis Alignment: The Grena Visual Axis Marker, with its precision design and quantitative alignment indicators, optimizes visual axis alignment. Surgeons can achieve consistent and accurate centration, contributing to improved refractive outcomes in cataract surgery.

  • Enhanced Surgical Efficiency: The user-friendly design of the marker streamlines the surgical workflow, allowing surgeons to mark the visual axis efficiently. This contributes to time savings in the operating room, enhancing overall surgical efficiency.

  • Measurable Surgical Precision: The incorporation of quantitative alignment indicators provides surgeons with measurable metrics for visual axis alignment. This feature enhances surgical precision, allowing for reproducibility and reducing variability in outcomes.

Sold by Microtrack Surgicals & fulfilled byMedikabazaar

Country of OriginIndia