A micropipette is a laboratory instrument used to accurately measure and transfer small volumes of liquids, typically in the range of microliters (µL). It is essential in various scientific fields, including...
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Clinical Pathology
Molecular Biology
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Thermo Fisher
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Lab Plasticware
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Tarsons Fixappette Fixed Volume Micropipette
Tarsons Accupipette Variable Volume Pipette Micropipette
Microlit Multichannel (8-channel) Micropipette
Microlit Single Channel Fixed Volume Micropipette
Thermo Scientific Finnpipette-F3_Scp_Fv (NABL) Pipette
Thermo Scientific FinnPipette F3 Pipette
Tarsons Pipette Non Autoclavable Micropipette
Microlit Single Channel Variable Volume Micropipette
Labserve Variable Volume Single Channel Micro Pipette Fisher Scientific
Tarsons Accupipette Variable Volume Micropipette
A micropipette is a laboratory instrument used to accurately measure and transfer small volumes of liquids, typically in the range of microliters (µL). It is essential in various scientific fields, including biology, chemistry, and medicine, for tasks such as DNA analysis, protein assays, and chemical reactions where precision is crucial. The micropipette allows for precise and repeatable liquid handling, making it indispensable in experiments and diagnostics.
A micropipette is a widely used laboratory tool designed to measure and transfer small volumes of liquid, typically ranging from 1 to 1000µl. It ensures precise liquid handling, making it essential in fields like microbiology, chemistry, medical testing, and soil analysis. Single-channel micropipettes are commonly used in research areas such as...